Emotions in nature gallery

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Emotions in nature gallery

The Gallery of Emotions in Nature is a sort of Visitors' Center in the village, inside which some "dioramas" have been made, mostly living, representing specific places and suggestive moments. The intention is to arouse in those who observe them, special emotions and this is the reason for the choice of the name. Entering, after the reception, starts a suggestive path that begins with the representation of an autumn landscape crowned by the presence of an animatronic character that represents the Homo selvadego of all places and all times. A character lived in the past between reality and legend. We want to attribute, to the one present in the diorama, the quality of not only being a wild man isolated from the rest of the people, but of a wise man, a nonconformist, a good man, coming from nobody knows where and also able to teach the inhabitants arts and crafts. Immediately afterwards there is a spring of water. Continuing on, you can admire two reconstructions of mountain landscapes, one summer with streams and a small lake and the other winter. Afterwards, you can admire another enchanting scenic spring painting with two woodcutters intent on cutting a tall tree as it was done in the past, without the use of modern chainsaws. In this diorama you can see an anthill with live ants and a section of their underground cells or inside the dome protection of the nest. The walk inside the Gallery of Emotions continues with the possibility to observe inside a large chest of drawers some collections of insects, minerals and gems. Suddenly you enter the Hall of the Alpine Prairie to admire a faithful reconstruction of the typical environment above 2000 meters of altitude, an alpine lake of more than 11 thousand liters with live trout and also a "baitello del latte" with an adjacent pond; you can also see the underground burrows of marmots with summering rooms, hibernation chambers, latrines and even "cemeteries". Leaving the Alpine Prairie Hall, you can see an autumn painting with chestnut and hazelnut groves and sunset while some deer are braying in their "mating season" and some gnomes are watching the visitors. This is a section intended especially for pre-school children, to tell them about nature in the form of a fairy tale. Leaving the gnomes, one almost enters an attic where a couple of barn owls are raising their chicks and moonlight enters through a trapdoor in the roof. Continuing on, it is possible to visit, with a limited number of visitors, the reconstruction of a mine that takes us inside an underground limestone cave with stalactites and stalagmites. All these described settings are crowned by some monitors, also interactive, with naturalistic images and assisted by music and background noises and the possibility to listen to curiosities directly from your smartphone. The scenic naturalistic paintings are by the Artist Alcide Pancot. The visit does not end now, but you can visit an additional very bright room where some amphibians, rodents and reptiles are bred. Finally, you can enter the Hall of Sensations, a small cinema where you can watch films in rotation and experience exciting sensations such as, for example, listening to and seeing at the same time the storm, the wind, the voices of animals and also other wonders that Nature offers us every day and that, often, because of our hectic lives, we are not able to "taste".