The Mill of the Plaz

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The Mill of the Plaz

The Mulino dei Plaz (Mulì di Plaz) is an old mill consisting of two very similar buildings made with stone walls and built near the Aprica stream, which provides the driving force. The main building is certainly prior to 1816, while the second was probably built during the fourteenth century. The mill definitively ceased its activity in 1977.
The Mulino dei Plaz after its abandonment was not functioning and unusable due to the humidity deriving from the ground and the few maintenance interventions carried out over the years. The recovery project involved the redevelopment of the mill and the surrounding land, so as to create a theme park that allows you to recover the cultural authenticity of the mountains and the Orobie Valtellinesi. In the area adjacent to the mill, a process of cultivation of ancient Valtellina grains (buckwheat, barley and rye) has begun to preserve a quality garrison. The setting up of a small exhibition of documents and tools related to cultivation and the opportunity to visit the mill allow you to get to know a historical and cultural reality that has often been forgotten.
For information contact the Aprica Infopoint - tel. 0342/746113